Address: Redeemer Lutheran College 745 Rochedale Road, Rochedale Queensland Australia General View: Boys and Girls school from Prep to year 12 International students can apply from year 7 onwards Student population: 1100 CRICOS Provider Code 03716F ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Redeemer Lutheran College is located in Rochedale, a suburb of Brisbane in Queensland, Australia, 18km (20 minutes) from the Brisbane CBD. Redeemer is a co-educational Christian school owned and operated by the Lutheran Church of Australia, Queensland District. Redeemer Lutheran College is a high achieving school, with most senior school-leavers scoring strongly in the ATAR ranking. In 2020, at least 10% of our students achieved an ATAR of 95 or higher. 25% of our students received a tertiary offer before ATARs were released and over 90% of students received a tertiary offer, with most of these receiving direct entry into their first choice. Redeemer Lutheran College warmly welcomes international students. Learning together with students from around the world helps us all build an understanding of our global community. Facilities Redeemer Lutheran College is situated on 15 hectares (37 acres) at Rochedale in a pleasant, semi-rural setting on the southern outskirts of Brisbane bordering Brisbane and Logan cities. The Senior School campus is planted with Australian native trees and bushes. The peaceful, leafy grounds are a feature of the college. The college is spacious and well-equipped with general and specialist teaching areas and include: ◼ Music Centre with performance Auditorium and dedicated private tuition studios ◼ Specialist art areas ◼ Lecture Theatre ◼ Senior Resource Centre with dedicated Senior Study Hub ◼ Five dedicated Science laboratories ◼ Design Technology Centre ◼ Film & TV facilities ◼ Hospitality kitchen facility/Restaurant ◼ Indoor Sports Auditorium ◼ 25m heated swimming pool ◼ Extensive outdoor sports fields and paved courts ◼ Chapel Auditorium which has the capacity to seat the whole College for worship and major events. Senior Resource Centre 25m Heated Pool Kleinschmidt Centre Music Auditorium Middle Years Agile Learning Spaces Co-curricular – Clubs and Groups at the College There is a wide range of co-curricular activities outside class time where students can meet others with similar interests. Music Redeemer’s vibrant, award-winning Performance Music Department, led by some of the finest Music Educators in the state, provides a focus for: ◼ six choirs ◼ five string orchestras ◼ five concert bands ◼ numerous chamber groups ◼ two jazz ensembles Our highly-qualified and in-demand Instrumental and Vocal tutors provide first-class music tuition through weekly private and group lessons. All performance music students enjoy regular performance opportunities including on and off campus concerts, recitals, competitions, festivals, tours and unique special events. Every two years, Redeemer mounts a spectacular musical production. All Redeemer students are encouraged to make music part of their God-given ability. Academic information Middle Years: Years 7-9 Students entering Year 7 study a compulsory program of subjects from each Learning Area as defined by the Australian Curriculum. Core subjects are studied for the full year whilst elective subjects are studied for either a term or semester. Year 7 students are exposed to a wide variety of learning experiences that assist them in making informed subject selections moving into Years 8 and 9. Students in Years 8 and 9 continue with a rounded education through compulsory study in English, Mathematics, Science, The Humanities, Health and Physical Education, and Christian Studies. Students also choose from a range of elective subjects offered in The Arts, Languages, Design, Digital and Lifestyle Technologies.
Senior Years: Years 10-12 Students in Year 10 continue with compulsory studies in English, Mathematics, Health and Physical Education, Christian Studies and Science for one semester. Students also select from a variety of elective courses (including at least one Humanities). These courses draw on the Year 10 Australian Curriculum with additional influences from the Queensland ATAR suite of subjects. Based on student learning experiences in Year 10, students may then choose to: ◼ continue the course in Years 11-12 ◼ make an alternative decision within the learning area, for example, elect to do Design rather than Engineering ◼ choose a different pathway, for example, choose a course from a different learning area. Year 10 is designed to equip students with skills and knowledge in preparation for the Academic demands of Years 11 and 12. Elective Subjects: ◼ Creative Arts: Drama, Film Television & New Media, Music, Visual Art ◼ Enterprise: Business, Digital Solutions ◼ Health and Physical Education: Health, Physical Education ◼ Humanities: Big Issues & OR GeoGraphics & OR History (Semester 1); Geography & OR Legal Studies & OR Modern History (Semester 2) ◼ Industrial Technologies: Construction, Design, Engineering ◼ Languages: Chinese, Japanese ◼ Lifestyle Technologies: Food & Nutrition, Hospitality, Textiles Design ◼ Music ◼ Specialist Mathematics (Semester 2) ◼ Science: Biology, Chemistry, Physics (Semester 2) ◼ Learning Enhancement: Academic Assistance Program (AAP), English as an Additional Language (EAL) (Approval from the learning Enhancement department must be sort before submitting as a subject preference) Sport Years 7 to 12 compete against their peers in internal College Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming carnival days. The College is also part of the Greater Brisbane Conference (GBC) school sporting competition which includes: ◼ Athletics ◼ AFL (Australian Rules Football) ◼ Basketball ◼ Indoor Cricket ◼ Cross Country ◼ Netball ◼ Football (Soccer) ◼ Swimming ◼ Touch Football ◼ Volleyball All GBC sports are played on Saturdays from Term 1 to Term 3. Further competition occurs in swimming, athletics and cross country between Queensland Lutheran Colleges and also in the Metropolitan East Region, leading to Regional, State and National championships. Cultural Other activities available include: ◼ Amnesty International ◼ Chess ◼ Christian Fellowship ◼ Community Service Group ◼ Drama Club ◼ Debating ◼ Public Speaking ◼ Robotics While participation in co-curricular activities is not compulsory at Redeemer, all students are encouraged to be involved. Attendance Requirements Maintaining a high attendance rate is one of the conditions of your student visa. If you are sick or cannot attend school for a good reason, your parent/carer/homestay parent should ring the College before 8.30am on the Absentee Hotline – 3340 8828 and press #2 to leave a message. Your friend cannot give an excuse for you. An SMS will be sent to any family whose student has not arrived at the College by 9.30am unless a message has been received. If you are absent for more than two (2) days, a medical certificate from a doctor is required. Once at school, students are not permitted to leave the grounds unless permission has been granted by Administration staff, who will phone the parent/guardian if necessary. Term dates are important; any flights to return home for holidays must be booked to enable you to complete the full term. Homestay For students who will not be living with a family member, Redeemer Lutheran College arranges a suitable, caring homestay family who will assist you with settling into life in Australia. This placement is arranged through the College’s association with the Australian Homestay Network (AHN). Homestays are carefully chosen and provide students with three meals a day, assist them to settle into their new life studying in Brisbane and work with the team at both Redeemer and AHN. |